IIWA Kinematics

2 minute read


Given a list of end-effector poses, calculate joint angles using Inverse Kinematics for the KUKA LBR IIWA R820

github repo https://github.com/gwwang16/iiwa_kinematics

Kinematics implementation for the KUKA LBR IIWA R820 (14 Kg).

Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic

Kinematics implementation for the KUKA LBR IIWA R820 (14 Kg). alt text Video: https://youtu.be/L5daeWuy1js

Getting Started

If you do not have an active ROS workspace, you can create one by:

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make

Clone this repo into the src directory of your workspace:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/gwwang16/iiwa_kinematics.git

Install dependencies

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ sudo apt-get update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/iiwa_kinematics/iiwa_arm/scripts
$ chmod +x safe_spawner.sh
$ chmod +x target_spawn.py
$ chmod +x IK_server.py

Build the project:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

Add following to your .bashrc file

$ export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/catkin_ws/src/iiwa_kinematics/iiwa_arm/models
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Forward kinematics demo

For demo mode make sure the demo flag is set to “true” in inverse_kinematics.launch file under iiwa_kinematics/iiwa_arm/launch

$ roslaunch iiwa_arm forward_kinematics.launch

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Launch the project

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/iiwa_kinematics/iiwa_arm/scripts
$ ./safe_spawner.sh

To run your own Inverse Kinematics code change the demo flag described above to “false” and run your code (once the project has successfully loaded) by:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/iiwa_kinematics/iiwa_arm/scripts
$ rosrun iiwa_arm IK_server.py

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IK Steps

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Table.I The relative location of joint i-1 to i

JointXYZRoll, Pitch, Yaw
1000.1575(0, 0, 0)
2000.2025(pi/2, 0, pi)
300.20450(pi/2, 0, pi)
4000.2155(pi/2, 0, 0)
500.18450(-pi/2, pi, 0)
6000.2155(pi/2, 0, 0)
700.0810(-pi/2, pi, 0)
gripper000.08(0, -pi/2, 0)

Now, we can obtain our modified DH table.

Note: joint3 is fixed to remove redundant dof.

Table. II The modified DH parameters



Note: R_corr is 1 here. Because reference frame between URDF O7 and DH O7 are same, IK server called Link 7 pose immediately for convenience.

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R4_7 = 
[-sin(q5)*sin(q7) + cos(q5)*cos(q6)*cos(q7), -sin(q5)*cos(q7) - sin(q7)*cos(q5)*cos(q6), sin(q6)*cos(q5)],
[                           sin(q6)*cos(q7),                           -sin(q6)*sin(q7),        -cos(q6)],
[ sin(q5)*cos(q6)*cos(q7) + sin(q7)*cos(q5), -sin(q5)*sin(q7)*cos(q6) + cos(q5)*cos(q7), sin(q5)*sin(q6)]])
def Euler_angles_from_matrix_URDF(R, angles_pre):
    r13 = R[0,2]
    r21, r22, r23 = R[1,0], R[1,1], R[1,2] 
    r32, r33 = R[2,1], R[2,2]
    if r23 is not 0:
        q6 = atan2(sqrt(r13**2 + r33**2), -r23)
        if sin(q6) < 0:
            q5 = atan2(-r33, -r13)
            q7 = atan2(r22, -r21)
            q5 = atan2(r33, r13)
            q7 = atan2(-r22, r21)
        q5 = angles_pre[4]
        q6 = angles_pre[5]
        q7 = angles_pre[6]
return np.float64(q5), np.float64(q6), np.float64(q7)


Udacity kinematics project: https://github.com/udacity/RoboND-Kinematics-Project

iiwa urdf and gazebo package: https://github.com/rtkg/lbr_iiwa

Computing Euler angles from a rottion matrix http://thomasbeatty.com/MATH%20PAGES/ARCHIVES%20-%20NOTES/Applied%20Math/euler%20angles.pdf

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